Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve 2010 Mixup

Fuck me if I haven't been a bit quiet on the posts of late. 
Never mind, here is a link to a reasonably long mix - 1hour40min or so - total old skool - and just done today so excuse any excesses. 
For those of you at Arm In Arm 5, you'll recognize the first half - I forgot to hit record on the night and this is my approximation of the set. It's straight up rocking dancefloor techno, rave and acid house - for those who are planning to sit down tonight in front of the telly and watch the fireworks, this mix isn't for you (but it should be). 

Going to be a hot one here in Aus, 40 degrees Celsius (105 Fahrenheit) so this is just the one for a hot night out. 
No tracklisting; that would ruin the surprise!!!! Hope you enjoy; especially, some of my all time favorites for the last 2/3.

Oh, and happy new year - party like it's 1990!!!!!!

mediafire 192kbps